Welcome to
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
Click on this picture to view the latest Sunday Sermon video
From the desk of Pastor Schwartz:
If you're not currently a member of our church - we'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to one of our weekly services. And of course, feel free to reach out and call one of our Pastor or Ministry Leaders. We're excited to have you visit us today. Whether you are partners in mission, regular attenders or guests, we hope you'll be able to find the information you need, from our worship schedule and children's programming to youth events and mission projects.
We'd also like to invite you to make an online prayer request. Your prayer request opens the door, and God is waiting patiently on the other side of that door, at all times, in all situations, to join with you. It's all here-a place for you and your family to get connected, worship and find your place in this growing, global congregation. With over 6,000 churches in partnership together, you are a part of the world-wide Church body that holds fast to the Biblical truth of Scripture, especially the Reformation era truths of "by grace alone", "by faith alone", "through Scripture alone". Let us know if we can assist you further.
Feel free to share any comments or questions that might be on your mind through our online guest book.
-Pastor Schwartz
While we are hosting in-person worship services, we also provide online worship opportunities.
Please see info on all our worship opportunities below or on the Worship Times page of our website.
Our website and Facebook page will be updated with the most recent info.
We also encourage our members to participate in Daily Prayer at 12:12 PM. Click here for daily prayer resources.
Worship Schedule
Worship Service 8:15 AM
Sunday School/Bible Class 9:40 AM
Worship Service* 11:00 AM
*Contemporary Worship on 3rd Sunday at 11:00 AM. This service is held in person as well as virtually on YouTube.11:00 AM in person is Traditional, just like the 8:15 AM service.
Season of Epiphany
Our Location
We are located in Augusta, Georgia at the intersection of Aumond Road and Boy Scout Road.
Phone: 706-733-6076
Email: info@orlcaugusta.com
February Memory Verse:
1 John 1:7
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.
Update on Lamar Stewart - Seminary Student:
The Stewart’s Seminary Journey
Fall festivities!
by Lamar Stewart on November 10, 2024
We send Fall greetings to each of you! Where are the days going? I am not sure about you, but it feels like we just finished up summer and here we are just a few weeks away from Thanksgiving. Our family has been busy like many of yours with all of the seasonal festivities. We have been to soccer games, cross country races, parks and most recently trick or treating. I guess you could say we dove head first into a season of firsts as the school year began. We continue to be blessed beyond what we deserve. First, by God in his abundant grace and mercy, but also by each of you. Your prayers, notes and support continue to encourage and remind us of all the wonderful relationships we have been blessed to experience. It gives us such comfort and fills us with awe at how many of you are interested and care about us and this journey we are on.
As the leaves have begun to fall here in St. Louis, the time change has happened and now the inevitableness of the less warm and darker days of winter are approaching. We want to share a few reflections of the past few months as well as some of the things the girls and us are most excited about in the next couple months.
Aileen and Esther were super excited for us to come to Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences where we got glimpses of how the school is helping our children shine, while also helping us learn how to navigate the challenges they are facing as they grow and develop.
The last few months have been filled with soccer and we watched as Aileen’s hard work led to her 1st soccer goal, her excitement was amazing. Her season wrapped up with the team going undefeated for the season with most of the girls from her class sharing in the glory. She fostered more friendships as she also continues to learn to be a good team player. Esther enjoyed socializing both on and off the field in her first season of ‘herd ball’. We are still navigating how to help her balance being a competitor while not losing her caring personality, that was apparent as she would run slower to talk to other girls or stop and help if someone fell (yes, I kept my competitiveness at bay most games, well, I think so, you would have to confirm with Jessica). Lydia, although not on any teams at the moment, is the quintessential cheerleader for her sisters, she loves playing with them and their friends during and around games.
Now that we have settled into a routine we are beginning to find time to do some of our St. Louis bucket list items. We were blessed to attend a Cardinal’s Game at Busch Stadium in September. The girls loved the atmosphere and were amazed at the size of both the stadium and the city. It is so amazing to see the excitement on a child’s face as they experience things for the first time. We look forward to continuing to check off items over the months ahead.
Part of my Seminary experience includes participating and helping in various roles at a fieldwork church in the area. A generous couple invited us to join them at the church's 75th Anniversary Celebrations, giving Jessica and I an evening out without the kids as we got to hear and celebrate God’s work within the church. Let’s just say, it was bittersweet having a night out, not because it wasn’t a good time, but rather we were reminded of how many friends and family we miss and were not able to call when we were thinking about finding a sitter. The festivities for the church came to an end with a fun family festival the following Sunday after services.
Now as we pivot into winter activities we continue to explore ways to grow and connect with others. Aileen and Esther are signed up and excited for the upcoming basketball season. Drills in the driveway have commenced and lots of coaching from dad to daughters is underway. In the spirit of leading by example, I have decided to play Preacher Basketball for the Seminary. I think the girls are interested to see dad play, even if dad feels like he has lost a step or four from his younger years. I have enjoyed the camaraderie and getting to know other guys while also hoping to use this to get in better shape so I can attempt to keep up with the girls. As I am writing this I am thinking, maybe we should try to talk Jessica into playing too, haha (if you are reading this that means she didn’t make me cut it out). Jessica as always has been keeping things flowing and is a true manager/planner of our household. Her skills and enjoyment of planning allow for me to spend more time focusing on school and helping us to be able to experience as many of our kids activities as possible. Her passions to be a strong team player have already shown through in many ways in her new role at the school. She helped to enhance the after school pick up line to be more efficient and safe as well as she had to step into a slightly different role within the school due to some other staff health issues and is now the Support Teacher for both 3rd grade classes. Aileen and mom seem to be adjusting well to her larger involvement in Aileen’s class. Hopefully, Aileen doesn’t have any notes from the teacher sent home.
We are super excited to be returning home to visit friends and family over Thanksgiving week. I know we won’t be able to see and talk to everyone but we all are looking forward to a week filled with laughter and memories that we will cherish. The girls are already counting down the days, and if we are honest so are we. God has truly blessed us and we are extremely humbled that he has called us on to be prepared to work in his church in proclaiming him to the world. Leaving family and friends behind is still tough at times, but it is made easier by knowing that we are all saints together in and through Christ, who calls each of us to be his children.
One final thought: as I had the blessing of leading the Adult Bible study at my fieldwork church this past Sunday on All Saints. We took time to remember the saints who have gone on before us and who now rest in Jesus. But I also challenged the participants to give thanks and consider writing/calling a saint in Christ who is still living to share with them how their example of faith and the use of God’s gifts has been an encouragement for each of us. In Hebrews 12:1-4 we hear, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” For us you are the saints, the great cloud of witnesses that surround us. We are encouraged by you and our faith in God is strengthened as we run this race that God has called us on. Your witness and faithfulness to God reminds us and so many others that Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith. Let us all remember to point others to Jesus, the one who saves. Thank you all again for your example and prayers as we know that it is having an amazing impact on us and I am sure others as well.
As Paul states in Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”
-Pray for safe travel for us as we return to visit NC family and friends over Thanksgiving.
-For the girls to continue to be surrounded by a great group of friends and “family” during our time here in MO.
-That our house in NC will sell soon.
-We pray that God will bless each of you as we enter the holiday seasons ahead.
Stay Connected with The Stewart’s:
We plan to continue updating our family newsletter online regularly. Check back for updates on The Stewart’s Seminary Journey. If you would rather us send the newsletter to you directly, email Jessica at jhstew15@gmail.com.
Scan the QR code here for an ORLC Small Group, beginning in September! We’ll begin with The Red Letter Challenge by Zach Zehnder. -->
Serve the Lord with Gladness!
You can now sign-up to assist with our services HERE! This will make it much easier for you to serve on the days that your schedule will allow.
We need Elders, Ushers, Readers, Acolytes, and Greeters for each of our services. *Elders please note that on Communion Sunday’s we need 2 Elders.*
Please sign up for the Sundays that you would like to serve. Use the button to sign up or please call Sheri in the office and she will get you signed up.
Digital Worship Services
**If you missed watching a service, see our Digital Library page for previous services.**
--> Digital Traditional Worship Services are streamed LIVE on our YouTube page at 8:15 AM each Sunday.
--> Digital Contemporary Worship Services are streamed LIVE on our YouTube page at 11:00 AM on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
Shortly after releasing, our most recent Worship Service can be viewed right here on our website, or our Facebook page or YouTube page.
"Like" our Facebook page and "Subscribe" to our YouTube page to get the latest info as well as videos and live streams!
Please use the above button to submit any online tithes, offerings, and/or donations in a convenient and safe manner.
Little Library - FREE Children's Books
We have put up a Little Free Library for children's books by our playground.
Whenever you stop by our playground next, feel free to check out our library and borrow some books for your family.
If you are interested in donating books for the library, contact the church.
Digital Bible Studies
Digital Wednesday Bible Studies are released on our Facebook page at 11:00 AM each Wednesday.
Shortly after releasing, our most recent Bible Study can be viewed here on our website or Facebook page.
To view previous Bible Studies, you can either find them on our Facebook page or here: bit.ly/ORLC-FBDevo