Worship Times

- Sunday Schedule -

Worship Service - 8:15 AM

Sunday School/Bible Class - 9:40 AM

Worship Service* - 11:00 AM

*Contemporary Worship on 3rd Sundays at 11:00 AM Service
Communion Served on 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays at both Services
Click here for our audio Worship Archive

Worship Service Assistants Sign-up

You can now sign-up to assist with our services HERE!  This will make it much easier for you to serve on the days that your schedule will allow.

We need Elders, Ushers, Readers, Acolytes and Greeters for each of our services.  Elders please note that on Communion Sunday’s we need 2 Elders.

Please sign up for the Sunday’s that you would like to serve. Use this button to sign up on our website or please call Sheri in the office and she will get you signed up.