Prayer Request

Your online prayer request opens the door, and God is waiting patiently on the other side of that door, at all times, in all situations, to join with you.

Your prayer request is received by our Prayer Request Team who will pray on your behalf for the next 30 days. After you submit your prayer request, you will be automatically presented with a link to our prayer resources page where you can find additional support in receiving an answer to your prayer.  Please indicate if you desire anyone to contact you and leave us a phone number to call you.

Please know that you are a holy and precious Child of God and that God is always with you.

Many blessings to you,

Our Prayer Request Team

Prayer Requests Received from Trunk or Treat 2022:

The Trunk or Treat was a great night of fun, sharing the Gospel, and having an opportunity to meet some neighbors and solicit the prayer needs. These are the requests for prayers that were received in our box from the members of our community who participated in the Trunk or Treat. In the interest of privacy, we will not share their names. 

O Lord hear our prayers. When we call, answer us. You are our gracious, loving, heavenly Father and we trust you to hear our prayers and grant us that which will be good and well pleasing in your sight to aid our salvation. 

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer. 

Thank you for praying.