Christie Bailey, Case Manager for Family Promise of Augusta, is receiving a check from Ruth Reynolds of the ORLC Quilters for $1,000. The money was raised during the 2023 ORLC Quilters Craft Fair.
Quilters meet every Tuesday from 9 a.m. until noon in Room 309. The group works together to create over 300 tied quilts which are distributed to various ministries and locations throughout the world.
Safe Homes of Augusta
Cumbee Center of Aiken, SC
Threshold to Freedom
Lutheran World Relief
Interfaith Hospitality
Martinez Fire Department
Hand stitched quilts are also made and auctioned off as fund raisers throughout the year. Anyone is welcome to come and join the group on Tuesday mornings.
QUILTS DEDICATED: All of these quilts were the work and joy of the over 25 members of the ORLC Quilters. On Tuesday mornings each week these ladies spend from 9 am till noon crafting these beautiful quilts to help others all around the world.
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: God's House is a house of prayer and our Prayer Shawl and Lap Quilt Ministry exemplifies and personalizes God's presence and promise in prayer. Prayer shawls and lap quilts are given to anyone, member or non-member, in need of prayer and encouragement wherever they are whether in nursing homes, hospitals or confined at home. Those receiving the prayer shawls and quilts receive comfort and encouragement from the physical warmth as well as the promise attached. It has been said that the prayer shawl and lap quilts give tangible evidence of God's involvement in our life. If you have a need for a prayer shawl contact our church office at (706) 733-6076 or sheri.agee@orlcaugusta.com.
Thanks be to God for His blessing on this ministry!